วันจันทร์ที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Medieval hunting tools

Medieval hunting tools

    In the early Medieval Times, for the hunter who killed to survive, education had to be given first. Educating a hunter began when he was only seven years of age. He was then assigned a tutor who taught him basic skills for his trade including fletching, crafting and surviving in the wilderness. When the young hunter was seven, he was appointed to watch and learn from his master while taking care of tools and learning basic concepts.

     Hunting for the aristocracy was not viewed as a way to survive, but as pure entertainment and training. Weapons were different and even crossbows were frequently used. The most commonly used weapon, however was the bow (specially the short bow). Additionally, spears, swords and shields were all used when nobles hunted.

Swords - Swords were also used for hunting. They were mainly used for training purposes and to kill animals when already hurt by a projectile.

    Hunting of course was a major source of medieval entertainment. Additionally, hunting was a way of survival for many and during castle siege, hunting was almost always practiced inside a castle since mice and birds could be used as food for the defenders.

    This period is first period that use "Knight" and about solider that use sword,shield and armor. So that make medieval had more design about pattern on weapon. They make it same pattern to know about unity and for class of solider. About sword or dagger they made it for balance to use because it made from iron that make it heavy. So they can made a big handle to make it balance. 
For the last is about material that they use is iron that can cut iron.

